Irish Homeless Street League

Irish Homeless Street Leagues

About us

Founded in 2004, IHSL is a nonprofit organisation that uses the power of sport to transform the lives of people who have found themselves affected by social exclusion.


  • DEVELOP - Resilient individuals and stronger communities
  • CONNECT - People and promote equality and diversity
  • INSPIRE - And motivate people affected by social issues
  • ENGAGE - Your staff in a positive and socially beneficial endeavor

At the IHSL we believe A Ball Can Change A Life. Through our nationwide leagues  we create positive change by motivating, inspiring, and developing people who have experienced homelessness, alcohol and substance abuse, or are ex-offenders, long-term unemployed,  refugees & Mental Health. This results in increased positive outcomes which challenge the stigma and perceptions often related to people with these social issues.
We are delivering social change in Ireland.



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